
The Horatio Alger Society (HAS) is incorporated in the State of Illinois as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

The Constitution and Bylaws are also availabe as a PDF file. Click here.

Constitution, Bylaws and Guidelines of the Horatio Alger Society

Approved at the annual business meeting May 5, 2017

Part I: Constitution


The name of this organization shall be Horatio Alger Society, a not-for profit corporation, incorporated in the State of Illinois on July 27, 1965.

The corporation’s registered agent must be a resident of Illinois, and is listed in the bylaws.


The purposes of the Horatio Alger Society are:

    A. To further the philosophy of Horatio Alger, Jr. and to encourage the spirit of “Strive and Succeed” that for half a century guided Alger’s undaunted heroes. “Strive and Succeed” is the concept that success is earned and character is developed by following principles of honesty, integrity, hard work, industry, and good sportsmanship.

    B. To maintain a program of scholarships for promising young people who emulate the ideals of Horatio Alger, Jr.

    C. To foster scholarly research devoted to Horatio Alger, Jr. and similar authors, and of the influence of their works on American culture, through face-to-face dialogue and electronic media exchange.

    D. To serve as a comprehensive source for information about Horatio Alger, Jr. and his works, through social media, a website, and a newsletter.

    E. To support institutions that maintain collections of the works of Horatio Alger, Jr. and similar authors.

    F. To embrace collectors and enthusiasts of all juvenile literature, including boys’ and girls’ series books, pulps, and dime novels.

    G. To provide an estate service for members for the disposal of private collections devoted to Horatio Alger, Jr. and similar authors.


Membership is open to all individuals and organizations with an interest in the stories and philosophy of Horatio Alger, Jr. or similar authors.

Section 1. Becoming a member. An individual or institution becomes a member by completing an application and paying the appropriate dues.

Section 2. Schedule of dues. A schedule of dues shall appear in the bylaws. The Horatio Alger Society may from time to time alter the schedule of dues.

Section 3. Membership year. Membership shall be on a yearly basis to start from the time dues are received.

Section 4. Classes of membership. The Horatio Alger Society may from time to time create, change, or delete classes of membership. All members except honorary members may vote in the Horatio Alger Society elections and other matters. The classes of membership are:

    A. Regular Membership. Regular membership is open to all individuals.

    B. Senior Membership. Senior membership is open to all individuals 55 years or greater in age.

    C. Sustaining Membership. Sustaining membership is open to all individuals. Such membership allows a member to contribute financial support greater than the cost of regular membership and receive additional benefits.

    D. Institutional Membership. Institutional membership is open to all schools, libraries, municipalities, and similar public and private institutions.

    E. Honorary Membership. Honorary membership recognizes individuals and organizations who have public notoriety and whose membership makes a contribution to the Horatio Alger Society.

Section 5. Benefits of Membership. The Horatio Alger Society has the following benefits of membership:

    A. To vote in Horatio Alger Society elections.

    B. To participate in general and special meetings.

    C. To hold an elected or appointed office.

    D. To receive Newsboy, the official publication of the Horatio Alger Society.

    E. To receive private membership rosters.

    F. To receive awards and honors.

    G. To submit papers and articles for possible publication or distribution.

    H. To be designated as a representative in matters of importance to the Horatio Alger Society.

    I. Life members do not pay dues after one initial lifetime membership payment.

    J. Sustaining members are recognized in Newsboy, on the website, and in meetings. Sustaining members receive a discount on convention registration fees.

    K. To assist members in their search for information and resources pertaining to Horatio Alger, Jr. or similar authors, and to serve as a resource for non-member queries related to Horatio Alger, Jr. or similar authors.

Section 6. Termination. The Horatio Alger Society may terminate a member for non-payment of dues or other material causes.

    A. For non-payment of dues. The Executive Director shall determine a reasonable grace period for members in arrears on dues. At the end of the grace period, the Executive Director will notify the member that he/she has been terminated.

    B. By member request. A member will be terminated as his/her request, or by a written request from his/her custodian or executor. There are no partial refunds of dues for early termination of membership.

    C. For cause. A member may be terminated by the Board of Directors by unanimous vote, if the board determines that continuation of membership would be inconsistent with the philosophy and spirit of the Horatio Alger Society.


Section 1. Elected officers. The elected officers of the Horatio Alger Society are:

    A. President

    B. Vice President

    C. Treasurer

    D. Directors (6)

Section 2. Appointed officers. The appointed officers of the Horatio Alger Society are:

    A. Executive Director

    B. Newsboy Editor

    C. Webmaster

    The appointed officers are non-voting members of the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Appointments. The appointed officers are appointed by the Board of Directors. Such officers shall serve for the length of the President’s term. However, appointed officers may be terminated by a majority of the Board of Directors at any time.

Section 4. Election of officers. Officers are elected by the general membership at the annual meeting.

Section 5. Removal of officers. An elected officer may be removed by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, excepting the officer to be removed. Such action shall be confirmed, or not, at the next official meeting of the Society.

Section 6. Vacancies. In the event of the death, disability, resignation, or removal of an officer, the Board of Directors shall appoint a member to serve until the next election.


The duties of officers may, from time to time, be changed via the bylaws.

Section 1. President. The President serves a two-year term. The President shall perform the usual duties of such an office. The President shall:

    A. Preside at the annual membership meeting and Board of Directors meetings.

    B. Approve reimbursements up to a limit set by the Board of Directors.

    C. Recommend to the Board of Directors candidates for the appointed positions — Executive Director, Newsboy Editor, and Webmaster.

    D. Appoint chairpersons of the standing committees.

      1. The Vice-President is chair of the Membership Committee.

      2. Chairperson and two members of the Nominating Committee.

      3. Chairperson and two members of the Editorial Committee.

    E. Appoint chairpersons of ad hoc awards committees:

      1. Chairperson of the Strive and Succeed Award Committee. By tradition, this award goes to an individual selected by the current year’s convention host.

      2. Chairperson of the Newsboy Award Committee.

      3. Chairperson of the Carl Hartmann Luck and Pluck Award Committee. By tradition, this award goes to the previous year’s convention host.

      4. Chairperson of the Dick Seddon Award. By tradition, this person is the current winner of the award.

    F. Appoint chairpersons of any other ad hoc committees created by the Board of Directors.

    G. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.

    H. Receive and report all proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws to the Board of Directors.

    I. At his/her discretion, name the winner of the President’s Award.

Section 2. Vice-President. The Vice-President serves a two-year term, coterminous with the President. The Vice-President shall:

    A. Serve as chair of the Membership committee and appoint other members to the committee.

    B. Assist the President as needed.

    C. Assume the office of President during his/her absence, at his/her written request, or in the event of his/ her death or incapacitation.

    D. By tradition, run for and (if elected) serve as President.

Section 3. Treasurer. The Treasurer serves a two-year term, coterminous with the President. The Treasurer shall:

    A. Account for Horatio Alger Society funds received and paid out.

    B. Accept deposits and disburse payments.

    C. Maintain and reconcile bank accounts.

    D. Prepare printed financial reports for the Board of Directors for the annual meeting.

Section 4. Directors. There shall be six directors. Directors serve three-year terms, to be staggered so that two directors are elected each year. The directors serve on the Board of Directors, whose duties are described in Section 5.

Section 5. Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and six directors. The Immediate Past President is a non-voting board member. The Executive Director, Newsboy Editor, and Webmaster, being appointed officers, are non-voting members of the board.

The Board of Directors shall:

    A. Establish written policies, procedures, and guidelines as needed. These are dated and confirmed at least once annually, by formal Board vote, usually at the annual meeting.

    B. Hold a board meeting at the convention prior to the annual business meeting. Additional board meetings may be called at the request of a majority of the board.

    C. Appoint the Executive Director, the Newsboy Editor, and the Webmaster.

    D. Confirm committee appointments made by the President.

    E. Approve a slate of candidates developed by the Nominating Committee.

    F. Recommend the next convention city to the members.

    G. Make recommendations to the members at the annual meeting.

    H. Approve the maximum reimbursement for Horatio Alger Society expenses.

    I. Decide the level of annual honorarium for the Executive Director and Newsboy Editor.

    J. Receive, review, and act upon any proposed changes to the Constitution.

    K. Decide matters pertaining to the incorporation of the Horatio Alger Society as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

    L. Dissolve the Horatio Alger Society, should circumstances require it.

Section 6. Executive Director. The Executive Director is an appointed officer of the Horatio Alger Society and has no vote on the Board of Directors. The Executive Director acts under direction of the Board of Directors. The duties of the Executive Director include:

    A. Conduct Horatio Alger Society business, such as processing membership applications and determining specific non-paying member grace periods, processing dues payments, and sending checks to auction consignors.

    B. Keep minutes of the annual board meeting in conjunction with the annual membership meeting.

    C. File required documents with the State of Illinois and the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

    D. Be a signer on Horatio Alger Society bank accounts.

    E. Obtain awards to be distributed at the annual convention.

    F. Issue a membership directory.

Section 7. Newsboy Editor. The Newsboy Editor is an appointed officer of the Horatio Alger Society and has no vote on the Board of Directors. The duties of the Newsboy Editor are:

    A. Produce a newsletter/magazine titled Newsboy, to be devoted to the study of Horatio Alger, Jr., and his works; other authors of books for young readers, and their influence; dime novels, pulp magazines and story papers; and news of general interest about members and the annual convention.

    B. Produce six bimonthly issues of Newsboy per year. The frequency of publication may be changed by the Board of Directors.

    C. Solicit paid advertisements for publication in Newsboy. In addition, he/she will accept no-cost ads from members for the sale of Horatio Alger books and related ephemera.

    D. Provide an annual report to the Board of Directors at its annual board meeting. The report will detail printing costs, mailing costs, and other expenses.

Section 8. Webmaster. The Webmaster is an appointed officer of the Society and has no vote on the Board of Directors. The duties of the Webmaster are:

    A. Maintain a website for the Horatio Alger Society.

    B. Manage hosting and domain name renewals.

    C. Accept new content from members.

    D. Report to the board of directors as needed.


Section 1. Convention. There shall be one annual convention, which shall be held between May and October of each year. The purpose of the convention is:

    A. To conduct the Horatio Alger Society consignment auction and to conduct the Horatio Alger Society book sale.

    B. To present Horatio Alger Society awards and the Strive & Succeed award and scholarship.

    C. To hear scholarly and entertaining presentations.

    D. To engage in fellowship with other members.

Section 2. Business meeting. There shall be an annual business meeting for the membership, held during the convention. There shall be direct and timely participation of the full membership in the annual meeting to include those choosing to use electronic means.

The purpose of the annual meeting is:

    A. To elect and install officers for the following year.

    B. To receive reports, including the status of membership, finances, and Newsboy, from the officers and committees, via the President.

    C. To approve the city for the following year’s convention.

Section 3. Annual board meeting. There shall be an annual board meeting, held in conjunction with the annual convention. The purpose of the meeting is:

    A. To receive and review annual reports.

    B. To determine a slate of candidates for election to submit to the members.

    C. To determine a convention city for the following year to submit to the members.

    D. To discuss any matters pertaining to the Horatio Alger Society.

Board members may attend the annual board meeting though electronic means.

Members are welcome to attend the board meeting.

Section 4. Other board meetings. Other board meetings may be called by a majority of the board members. The meetings may be conducted by teleconferencing or email.

Section 5. Parliamentary authority. At meetings, Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters not covered in the Constitution and bylaws.


Section 1. Eligibility. Only members in good standing (current dues paid) shall be entitled to vote on candidates or measures. The board shall create a system for including member notification and participation at all general meetings.

Section 2. Items eligible for voting. Members may vote in the election of candidates for office, selection of the convention site, amendments to the constitution, and changes to the bylaws.

Section 3. Majority. In the election of officers, the candidate receiving a simple majority of votes cast for an office shall be declared elected. In matters of convention site choice and changes to the bylaws, a simple majority of votes cast shall decide the issue.


    A. A proposed Constitutional amendment shall be presented in writing to the President, who shall report it to the Board of Directors.

    B. The members shall be provided with a written copy of proposed amendments at least 30 days prior to a vote on the proposed change. The information may be sent to the membership via Newsboy, email, or U.S. Mail.

    C. Change in the Constitution or adaptation of a new one requires a two-thirds majority vote of members in attendance, physically or by electronic means, at the annual business meeting.

    D. Changes in the bylaws require a simple majority of members in attendance, physically or by electronic means, at the annual business meeting.


Three standing committees address operational aspects of the Horatio Alger Society.

Section 1. Membership Committee. The purpose of the Membership committee is to develop ways of increasing the membership in the Horatio Alger Society. The Vice-President is the chairperson of this committee. He/she may appoint other members as needed. He/she shall report results of the committee’s activities at the annual meeting. The Board of Directors shall develop a list of suggested opportunities and determine the level of membership outreach activity the committee should undertake.

Section 2. Nominating Committee. The purpose of the Nominating committee is to develop a slate of candidates for the Horatio Alger Society elective positions and to present this slate at the annual meeting for a vote. The committee shall consist of three members appointed by the President, one of which shall be designated as chairperson.

Section 3. Editorial Committee. The purpose of the Editorial committee is to offer editorial advice and assistance to the Newsboy Editor, who is responsible for final editorial content. The committee shall consist of three members appointed by the President, one of which shall be designated as chairperson. If the position of Newsboy Editor becomes vacant, the committee shall recommend a replacement to the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Replacement. The Board of Directors may replace the chair of any standing committee. The chair of any standing committee may replace a committee member who does not satisfactorily perform his/her duties.


Section 1. Ad hoc awards committees. There are four ad hoc award committees, created each year: Strive and Succeed award committee, Newsboy award committee, Carl Hartman Luck and Pluck award committee, and Richard Seddon award committee.

Each award committee selects a recipient for its award. The awards are presented at the annual convention. The President or Board of Directors may make other ad hoc awards, when appropriate.

Section 2. Other ad hoc committees. The President may create ad hoc committees to address issues of concern to the Horatio Alger Society.

Section 3. Reporting. The President shall periodically report the activity of ad hoc committees to the Board of Directors and to the membership at the annual meeting.

Section 4. Replacement. The chair of any ad hoc committee may replace any member of his/her committee who does not satisfactorily perform his/her duties.


The Board of Directors may vote to recommend the dissolution of the Horatio Alger Society and shall arrange for a meeting of all members at which this recommendation is the primary agenda item. Prior to the dissolution vote, adequate notice of such intended action shall be provided to each current member to enhance full member participation.

In case a quorum for the dissolution meeting cannot be achieved, action by the Board of Directors to dissolve shall take effect.

In the event of the dissolution of the Horatio Alger Society, all Horatio Alger Society-owned property (excluding records, correspondence, original writings, computer files, past copies of Newsboy, and any other such ephemera) will be disposed of by the Board of Directors for cash.

Disposal will take place within three months of the decision by the Board to dissolve. After satisfying all outstanding obligations, any cash remaining will then be given to the Horatio Alger Repository at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, for use in the acquisition of new repository materials, with special emphasis on items related to the life and works of Horatio Alger, Jr. and other boy’s and girls’ series book authors.

Upon dissolution of the Horatio Alger Society, all remaining non-cash materials shall become the property of the Horatio Alger Repository or any institutional member expressing interest therein as determined by the Board of Directors.

(End of Constitution)

Part II: Bylaws

BYLAW 1: Related to incorporation

Section 1. Agent. The Illinois Secretary of State recognizes the agent for Horatio Alger Society as:

Robert M. Petitto
874 Papoose Court
Carol Stream, IL 60188

Section 2. Executive office. The United States Internal Revenue Service recognizes the executive offices of Horatio Alger Society as:

Bob Sipes

Horatio Alger Society

1004 School Street

Shelbyville, IN 46176

BYLAW 2: Related to dues and membership

Section 1. Schedule of dues. The schedule of dues is:

    A. Regular membership is $25 per year.

    B. Senior membership is $20 per year, for members age 55 or older.

    C. Sustaining membership is $50 per year.

    D. Life membership is twenty (20) times the regular annual dues if paid with the application. It is twenty-two (22) times the regular annual dues if paid in two annual installments.

    E. Institutional membership is $25 per year. Foreign institutions are $30 per year.

    F. Honorary membership is free and extends for one year.

BYLAW 3: Related to meetings, convention agenda, and auctions

Section 1. Annual convention. The Society will strive to hold its annual convention in a different location in North America each year in order to make it more accessible to a greater portion of the membership and to provide an opportunity for different members to host.

Section 2. Confirming the convention host. A member who volunteers to host the next annual convention shall either attend the meeting at which the choice of the site is to be made and confirm his/her intention to attendees, or, if absent at that meeting, shall be contacted directly by the President during that meeting to confirm his/her willingness to host.

Section 3. Electronic attendance. The Board of Directors shall create ways to obtain active participation in the annual business meeting by:

    A. Encouraging members to attend and participate in the annual convention.

    B. Providing all members who want to be electronically connected to the meeting with procedures, in order to participate in discussion and voting activities.

Section 4. Convention agenda. The convention host has primary responsibility for developing the agenda of the annual convention.

Section 5. Structure of auctions and sales. The Board of Directors shall decide the number, auctioneer, type, and financial arrangements for any auctions or sales to be held at the annual convention. The host shall assure space and time is provided for such auctions or sales.

Section 6. Auction consignment fees.

    A. Consignment fees for individual lots are 20% of realized auction price.

    B. The consignment fees for Estate Service consignments are a percentage of the gross revenues for the entire consignment: from $1.00 to $2,499.00 = 20% of auction price; from $2,500.00 to $4,999.00 = 15% of auction price; in excess of $5,000.00 = 10% of auction price.

    C. Auctions may contain donated items. 100% of the proceeds go to Horatio Alger Society.

BYLAW 4: Related to reimbursement and honoraria

Section 1. Reimbursement. Compensation received by any officer or staff person consists of reimbursement for actual expenses incurred in the conduct of Horatio Alger Society business as approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Honoraria. An honorarium, in appreciation for services rendered, may be given to the Executive Director and Newsboy Editor, the specific amount of which is to be determined by the Board of Directors and is dependent upon the Society’s financial condition.

BYLAW 5: Related to promotion, Northern Illinois University, and the Horatio Alger Association.

Section 1. Advertising and promotion. The Board of Directors may develop and implement advertising programs to publicize Horatio Alger Society’s function and activities and may develop resolutions to recognize or commemorate special individuals or events.

Section 2. Northern Illinois University. The Horatio Alger Society recognizes the Horatio Alger Repository at Northern Illinois University as the Society’s official repository for all materials about, relating to, and written by Horatio Alger, Jr., as well as material pertinent to other boys’ and series’ books authors. Horatio Alger Society members are encouraged to provide copies of unique or special books written by Horatio Alger, Jr., and other related items to the Repository that are acceptable to the Repository. The Society shall be a member of the Friends of the Northern Illinois University Libraries.

Section 3. Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans. Horatio Alger Society recognizes and supports the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans.

BYLAW 6: Related to fiscal year

The fiscal year shall run from May 1 to April 30.

BYLAW 7: Related to Membership roster, 100 Club, and Super 100 Club

Section 1. Roster. A membership roster shall be created and distributed to the membership. The roster contains private member information, and will not be provided to the general public. A member may choose not to appear in the roster. The roster may be distributed in printed or electronic form.

Section 2. 100 Club. A member may apply for and be admitted to the 100 Club if he or she accumulates 100 different Horatio Alger titles. The board of directors shall establish guidelines for this award. The President shall issue a letter and a certificate attesting the fact to the applicant. The President shall inform the Board of Directors and the Editor of Newsboy.

Section 3. Super 100 Club. A member may apply for and be admitted to the Super 100 Club if he or she accumulates 100 Horatio Alger first editions as described in Bob Bennett’s book, Horatio Alger, Jr. A Comprehensive Bibliography. The board of directors shall establish guidelines for this award.

The member informs the President in writing. Another member of Horatio Alger Society shall authenticate the first editions and report the results to the Board of Directors. The President shall issue a letter and a plaque attesting the fact to the applicant. The President shall notify the Editor of Newsboy.

(End of Bylaws)


Horatio Alger Society

In addition to the Constitution and bylaws, the H.A.S. Board of Directors has developed guidelines to carry out some of its basic responsibilities. These provide day-to-day guidance to members and officers in the administration of the Society’s activities.

The Board, by a simple majority, can vote to change any of these guideline procedures as changing situations warrant. The guidelines are valid for one year from May first to April 30th. These appear in no priority order and may be added to as needed.


The purpose of the estate service is to provide a vehicle for members or their surviving family to dispose of a collection with Horatio Alger material. The service makes Alger items available to collectors most interested in the material, thus maximizing the return on the collection to the owner. In undertaking this service, the Board of Directors will follow the following principles:

    1. Board of Directors may or may not accept a member’s request for such an auction.

    2. The Board of Directors may request a review of the items proposed for auction and ask another Horatio Alger Society member who lives in close proximity to the auction items for evaluation assistance.

    3. Estate auction items are either commission or non- commission based, as defined in Bylaw 3, Section 6, Subsections B and C. This is to be agreed upon, preferably in writing, by both the Board of Directors and the consignor prior to the auction.

    4. The items to be disposed of will be offered at an auction to be held at the annual convention.

    5. Any delivery costs associated with estate auction items shall be borne by the consignor.

    6. The sale description of the individual items will be determined by Horatio Alger Society members at auction preparation time.

    7. The consignor and the convention host together will dispose of items left unsold.

100 CLUB

A member may apply for and be admitted to the 100 Club if he or she accumulates 100 different Horatio Alger titles [Bylaw 7, Section 2]. The member informs the President in writing. The President shall issue a letter and a certificate attesting that fact to the applicant. The President shall inform the Board of Directors and the Editor of Newsboy.


A member may apply for and be admitted to the Super 100 Club if he or she accumulates 100 Horatio Alger first editions as described in Bob Bennett’s book, Horatio Alger, Jr. A Comprehensive Bibliography [Bylaw 7, Section 3]. The member informs the President in writing.

Another member of the Horatio Alger Society shall authenticate the first editions and report the results to the Board of Directors. The President shall issue a letter and a plaque attesting that fact to the applicant. The President shall inform the Editor of Newsboy.


The Board of Directors may receive cash gifts from anyone with any stipulations it deems appropriate. Such stipulations must be in writing at the time that the gift is given and must follow the following:

    1. The purpose of the gift must be explicitly for the benefit of the Horatio Alger Society.

    2. The Treasurer shall report the total amount of each official gift in an annual report, the amount spent each year since its inception, and the remaining cash available.

    3. The President shall detail the nature of the annual expenditures for each gift.

    4. The Board of Directors shall determine each year the amount to be spent during the year and its purpose as related to the original intent.

    5. The basic purpose of any gift may be changed by vote at the convention and with the written agreement of the original donation source.

    6. In case of dissolution of the Society, all gifts and endowments will be disbursed according to Article X of the constitution.


A convention host is selected and voted upon each year at the annual convention. The host will strive to ensure that the registration cost per attendee equals the total of convention costs. The host will be responsible for the following:

    1. Be a member of the Horatio Alger Society.

    2. Work closely with the President and Executive Director to develop an agenda and a convention date (Thursday through Sunday) sometime between April 20th and May 20th.

    3. Get informal approval from the President and Executive Director for the motel selection, panel speakers, agenda, and level of expenditures anticipated.

    4. Negotiate for and secure hotel accommodations, reserving a block of guest rooms and a meeting room.

    5. Set a registration fee per attendee appropriate to cover at least one lunch, two dinners, the activity room, an optional favor for each attendee, activity room refreshments, and incidentals.

    6. Ensure time on the agenda is set aside for at an auction and a book sale, speakers, a Friday night dinner, and a Saturday night dinner, all paid for out of the registration fee. The host is encouraged to include other activities as well that might reflect local attractions and be of general interest to the membership.

    7. Be responsible for all convention costs incurred.

    8. Select a student to receive the Society’s Strive and Succeed award and potential scholarship.

    9. Find and get commitments for at least one dinner speaker for Saturday night.

    10. Find and get commitments for at least three panel presentations.

    11. Prepare at least two written articles to be published in Newsboy describing the agenda and local attractions.

    12. Generate as much publicity as possible to attract attendees.

    13. Make a registration form and schedule available to members through Newsboy in a timely fashion.


Opportunities for promoting the Horatio Alger Society nationally include:

    1. Become more aggressive in expanding our support to other series book and related organizations, particularly in sharing common interests (i.e., similar author collecting opportunities, such as book auctions or book sales held jointly, joint speakers, or conventions held together or sequentially).

    2. Establish a formal Society committee to find new ways to aggressively promote the Society’s activities. The committee shall report to the Board of Directors and members at the annual convention as to specific activities undertaken during the past year.

    3. Buy national advertising promoting the Society (and its annual convention activities) in national journals and collector publications.

    4. Write articles for Yellowback Library, Dime Novel Round-Up, and other collector publications (which sometimes feature Alger-related articles) but related to their focus (e.g., series books or dime novels).

    5. Examine the Horatio Alger Association of Famous Americans to see if we could assist them in any way and involve ourselves in their activities. Perhaps we could become the collector part of that organization, providing them a dimension of Horatio Alger they have never had.

    6. See if our collecting interests and skills would be of any value in the world of academia. Are universities that have sizeable Alger collections interested in having them organized, evaluated, and added to in number of titles carried, number of first editions, number of different publishers, or more of a certain Alger publisher that is local to them?

    7. Undertake an inventory of collections (university, private, local public) to see where Alger books are, what they are, and see if the Society can help bolster them. We know there are a bunch of Alger books none of us want every year — at our auctions — and we could place them where they might help enhance a collection someplace.

    8. We could have an agenda item at the next speaker panel at our convention as to how the Society might relate better to organizations and institutions in helping them gather and better understand Alger books. We know where extras are. How could we get them to a place that could use them? The whole world of home schooling comes to mind? How can we help them?


The Horatio Alger Society has three standing committees:

1. The Membership Committee. Its purpose is to develop programs to grow membership in the Society. The Vice-President is chair of the Membership Committee.

2. The Nominating Committee. Its purpose is to provide to the annual convention names of members who will run for elected office. Every two years the three elected offices need to be filled and every year two vacancies occur on the Board of Directors. The chairperson works with the President, Executive Director, and his/her committee to develop a slate of candidates. It is this committee’s responsibility to decide upon and present the slate.

3. The Editorial Committee. Its purpose to offer editorial advice and assistance to the Newsboy Editor, who is responsible for final editorial content. The committee shall consist of three members appointed by the President, one of which shall be designated as chairperson. If the position of Newsboy Editor becomes vacant, the committee shall recommend a replacement to the Board of Directors.

The Society has four additional ad hoc award committees, created each year:

1. Strive and Succeed Award Committee. The convention host is automatically the chair of this committee and usually acts alone in deciding upon the recipient of the Strive and Succeed award. However, he/she may wish to consult with local school staff to assist in the selection process. The selection is student oriented and usually carries with it a cash scholarship award, the amount of which is decided by the Board of Directors. The recipient may or may not be an H.A.S. member. The recipient is usually invited with family and teacher to accept the award in person at the annual HAS banquet. Recent recipients of this award have been: Isaac Trolinder, law student and H.A.S. member (2016); Susan Hagos, high school student (2015); and Sandrita Borckhardt, high school student (2014).

2. The Newsboy Award Committee. The Newsboy award is usually given to the member who has demonstrated significant or outstanding efforts in researching and presenting written analyses about Horatio Alger, Jr. and his works or those of other boys’ and girls’ books during the previous year. The President appoints a chairperson for this committee, who may or may not choose an award recipient. Recent recipients include: James Keeline (2016); Bob Eastlack (2015); and none (2014).

3. The Carl Hartmann Luck and Pluck Award Committee. The President presents the Carl Hartman Luck and Pluck award to the previous year’s convention host in recognition of his/her effort. Recent recipients include Bob and Wendy Sipes (2016 convention); Bob Huber (2015 convention); and Dick Hoffman (2014 convention).

4. The Richard Seddon Award Committee. The chairperson of this committee is usually the person who received the Richard Seddon Award the previous year. The chairperson either acts alone or chooses other members to help. The award recognizes a member of the Society who has consistently demonstrated the warmth, companionship, and camaraderie of the late Dick Seddon, who graced many Society activities over the years. Recent recipients include: Brad Chase (2016); Bill Gowen (2015); and Betsy and Lee Allen (2014).

End of Guidelines